Příjemný večer, dámy,
Pleasant evening, ladies,
Pleasant evening, ladies,
jak se tak koukám z okna, tak asi bude rozumnější zůstat v pohodlí domova. Brr, to je ale fučák:) Ano, i tu se už ochladilo. Zapaluji aroma svíčky, uvelebuji se na sedačku a přemýšlím, jak strávit čas. Že by DEXTER ??? (už je to tak, podařilo se mi na něho vypěstovat závislost:)). Ale ne, radši se budu po delší době věnovat VÁM, tak čtěte dál...(no néé, já rýmuju, heh)...
Ke koupi tohoto šamponu by pravděpodobně asi nikdy nedošlo, kdyby jsem čirou náhodou nenarazila na jeho recenzi od slečny na internetu. A nebylo to tak, že jsem četla na něj recenzi a kvůli tomu jsem utíkala si ho koupit. Neřešila jsem to, ani mě ta značka nijak extra nezaujala. Taky jsem o ní nikdy předtím neslyšela.
Jednou jsem bloumala po supermarketu a zabrousila do sekce s kosmetikou a tam narazila na tuto značku produktů. Náhoda. JOHN FRIEDA? JOHN FRIEDA? Věděla jsem, že jsem o této značce už něco zaslechla nebo četla, ale pořád jsem si nebyla jistá...Mávla jsem na tím rukou a pustila jsem to z hlavy. Tedy až do příští návštěvy toho samého obchodu. Tehdy jsem si vybavila ten článek, a protože tento šampon (vlastně to nebyl ten stejný šampon, myslím, že byl určen pro blondýny, nikoliv pro brunety) měl pozitivní hodnocení, tak jsem si řekla, proč ne...Zkusit se má všechno:). Nedávala jsem mu moc šancí...drogérková, supermarketová značka...ale, opravdu jsem byla mile překvapena!
how I´m looking out from the window, it´ll be more rational to stay comfortably at home. Brr, it´s really a big blowing:) Yes, even here´s got colder. I´m lightening aroma tea lights, nestling down on the sofa and I´m thinking, how to spend a time. What about DEXTER??? (it´s true, I´ve managed to be addicted on it:)). But no, it´s better to devote to YOU after longer time, so read on...
The bargain of that shampoo would never happened probably, if I wouldn´t find its review by miss randomly on the internet. And it wasn´t like that, that I read the review of that and because of this I was running to buy it. I didn´t care about it, even that brand didn´t attract me extra. Also I´ve never heard about it before.
Once I was roaming in the supermarket and I went into the section of cosmetics and there I met that brand of products. Random. JOHN FRIEDA? JOHN FRIEDA? I knew, that I´ve already heard of read about this brand, but still I wasn´t sure...I waved the arm above and I left it come out of my mind. Which means till the next visit of the same shop. That time I remembered that article, and because that shampoo (actually it wasn´t the same shampoo, I think, it was for blondes, not for brunettes) positive assessment, so I told to myself, why not...You should try everything:). I didn´t give a lot of chances to it...drugstore´s, supermarket´s brand...but, really I was nicely surprised!
how I´m looking out from the window, it´ll be more rational to stay comfortably at home. Brr, it´s really a big blowing:) Yes, even here´s got colder. I´m lightening aroma tea lights, nestling down on the sofa and I´m thinking, how to spend a time. What about DEXTER??? (it´s true, I´ve managed to be addicted on it:)). But no, it´s better to devote to YOU after longer time, so read on...
The bargain of that shampoo would never happened probably, if I wouldn´t find its review by miss randomly on the internet. And it wasn´t like that, that I read the review of that and because of this I was running to buy it. I didn´t care about it, even that brand didn´t attract me extra. Also I´ve never heard about it before.
Once I was roaming in the supermarket and I went into the section of cosmetics and there I met that brand of products. Random. JOHN FRIEDA? JOHN FRIEDA? I knew, that I´ve already heard of read about this brand, but still I wasn´t sure...I waved the arm above and I left it come out of my mind. Which means till the next visit of the same shop. That time I remembered that article, and because that shampoo (actually it wasn´t the same shampoo, I think, it was for blondes, not for brunettes) positive assessment, so I told to myself, why not...You should try everything:). I didn´t give a lot of chances to it...drugstore´s, supermarket´s brand...but, really I was nicely surprised!
Balení - plastová tuba, hezky padnoucí do ruky, s odklápěcím víčkem, nikoliv šroubovacím, což je ideální, troufám si říct, ne jenom pro mě, zaručuje rychlou manipulaci.
The packaging - a plastic tube, nicely fitting in the hand, with lifting up cover, not screw one, what is ideal, I´m daring to say, not only for me, guarantee a fast manipulation.
The packaging - a plastic tube, nicely fitting in the hand, with lifting up cover, not screw one, what is ideal, I´m daring to say, not only for me, guarantee a fast manipulation.
Šampon je určen pro všechny brunetky a má podtrhovat a zvýrazňovat hnědé tóny vlasů - což jsem si osobně nějak nevšimla - a zvyšovat lesk - což určitě mohu potvrdit. Vlasy jsou po umytí lesklejší. Díky výtažkům z drcených perel a sladkého mandlového oleje má vlasy hydratovat, s čím opět souhlasím. Vlasy jsou poddajnější, měkkčí, příjemnější na dotek, určitě hydratovanější než s jinými šampony a mnohem snadněji se upravují. Šampon disponuje sladkou vůní, která se určitou dobu ve vlasech drží. Má zlatavou barvu, hezky pění, nedráždí pokožku a nezpůsobuje vznik lupů.
The shampoo is made for all brunettes and is supposed to create and accentuate brown tones of hair - what I personally didn´t notice - and increase the shine - what I could confirm. After washing the hair´re more shiny. Because of the extracts from crushed pearls and sweet almond oil it´s supposed to hydrate, what I agree again with. Hair are more ruly, softer, more pleasant for touching, for sure more moisturized then with the other shampoos and they are easier stylized. Shampoo has sweet fragrance, which stays in hair for some time. It has golden colour, nicely foaming, doesn´t irritate the skin and doesn´t cause dandruff.
The shampoo is made for all brunettes and is supposed to create and accentuate brown tones of hair - what I personally didn´t notice - and increase the shine - what I could confirm. After washing the hair´re more shiny. Because of the extracts from crushed pearls and sweet almond oil it´s supposed to hydrate, what I agree again with. Hair are more ruly, softer, more pleasant for touching, for sure more moisturized then with the other shampoos and they are easier stylized. Shampoo has sweet fragrance, which stays in hair for some time. It has golden colour, nicely foaming, doesn´t irritate the skin and doesn´t cause dandruff.
Nedoporučila bych ho určitě na mastné vlasy a nebo na jemné a řídké vlasy, u kterých by, odhaduji, ubral na objemu a zatěžkal je.
Ideální na přesušené, namáhané, barvené, vlnité, nepoddajné vlasy.
I wouldn´t recommend it for oily hair, or very soft and sparsed hair, which it´d, I guess, take away the volume and put up more their weight.
It´s ideal for over dried, strained, coloured, wavy, unruly hair.
I wouldn´t recommend it for oily hair, or very soft and sparsed hair, which it´d, I guess, take away the volume and put up more their weight.
It´s ideal for over dried, strained, coloured, wavy, unruly hair.
MNOŽSTVÍ: 250 ml
CENA: +- 200 Kč
QUANTITY: 250 ml
PRICE: +- 8 euro
Koupila bych znovu? Ano.
Would I buy it again? Yes.
Další sortiment této britské značky můžete omrknout na: www.johnfrieda.co.uk
The other range of products of that british brand you can check on: www.johnfrieda.co.uk
Jaký je Váš tip na šampon pro brunety?
What is your own tip of brunette shampoo?
Protože mě JOHN FRIEDA vážně zaujal, tak jsem ze zvědavosti koupila další vlasový přípravek a musím podotknout, že zase super!!! Ale o tom, zas někdy příště...;)
And because JOHN FRIEDA really attracted me, I´ve already bought out of curiosity another hair staff and I have to note, that it´s super again!!! But about it, sometimes next time...;)
Opatrujte svoje vlasy!
Take care about your hair!