Nice Monday ladies,
jak se mate? Dnes Vam chci ukazat muj uplne prvni a doufam, ze ne posledni produkt od SHISEIDO.
how are you? Today I wanna show you my totally first and I hope, not the last product by SHISEIDO.
Baleni je proste uzasne. Presne ten styl, ktery naprosto miluju. Minimalisticke, elegantni a zenske! Uvnitr krabicky objevite letacek, ktery podava informace jak o tomto aktualnim cleanseru, tak i o dalsich 3 produktech doplnujici peci o plet ze stejne rady IBUKI ve 12 ruznych jazycich. Tuba kremove barvy je vyrobena z lehkeho plastu a ma prakticke vicko, se kterym se rychle manipuluje.
The packaging is just amazing. Exactly that style, which I've been loving definitely. Minimalist, chic and feminine! Inside of the box you're gonna discover little leaflet, which has been providing informations about this present cleanser, also about another 3 products getting skin care completed from the same IBUKI range in 12 different languages. Creamy colour tube is made of lightweight plastic material and has a practical cover lid, which its manipulation is very fast with.
Cleanser ma bilou barvu, voni krasne 'cistotou', sveze...Vite, co mi to trochu pripomina? Vune tuheho mydla z davnych dob:), navic ma hutnejsi kremovou konzistenci a obsahuje jemne micro-granulky, ktere sem tam zahlednete. Nebojte se, neni to zadny scrub, je jich opravdu malo - citite je na pleti prijemne a rekla bych, ze velmi dobre podpori cistici proces.
The cleanser has got white colour, smells of pretty 'pureness', fresh...Do you know, what it reminds me that little bit? The scent of solid hand soap long time ago:), in addition it has thicker creamy consistency and contains gentle micro-granules, which could be spotted here and there. Don't be scared, it is not any scrub, they are just in very tiny amount - you feel them on the skin pleasantly and I would say, that they just support the cleasing procedure.
Co se mi libi moc je, ze Vam staci pouzit jen to nejmensi mnozstvi produktu, protoze pri styku s vodou vytvori velice bohatou penu. Takze Vam vydrzi 'leta'. Koupila jsem ho v polovine prosince - ted je zacatek cervna (priblizne 6,5 mesicu) a stale ho zbyva jeste pulka.
What I've been liking a lot is, there is enough using just the tiniest amount of the product, because it creates really rich foam with the touch of water. So it's gonna last you 'for ages'. I have bought it in half of December - now it's beginning of June (approximately 6,5 months) and there is still half of it left over.
A jak pracuje? Pokozka neni po nem klouzava, ale takova hrubsi na dotek...hmm jak to lepe popsat...Je to presne to, kdy je oblicej dokonale zbaven necistot a nadbytecneho mazu a jakoby vycisteny do hloubky. Vodou se smyva velice snadno, coz je take plus, nenechava zadny film, jen mate pocit absolutne ciste pleti:) Neni hydratacni, ani dramaticky nevysusuje, ale presto me po nem pokozka malilinko pne. Tohle je pouze jedina vec, ktera mi trochu vadi. Na obalu je uvedeno, ze je vyrobek vhodny pro vsechny typy pleti, ale uprimne ja bych ho spis doporucila pro plet smisenou nebo mastnejsi.
And how it's been working? The skin is not slippery, but kinda coarsy to touch...hmm how to describe it better...It's been exactly that, when the face has been perfectly ridded of impurities and excess sebum and as if deeply cleansed. It's been rinsed off with water very easy, what is also plus, doesn't leave any film, just you've got feeling of absolutely clean skin:) It's not moisturizing, not even dramatically drying out, but yet my skin is tighty a bit after using it. That is only one thing, what I'm bothered about a little. There is written on the packaging, that the product has been suitable for all skin types, but to be honest I would recommend it better for combination or oilier skin.
TYP PLETI (SKIN TYPE): vsechny typy pleti (uvedeno na obalu), je vhodnejsi pro plet smisenou nebo mastnejsi, all skin types (written on the packaging), it's been more suitable for combination or oilier skin type
CENA (PRICE): 30,50 eur, 762,50 Kc (in airport duty free shop)
Koupila bych ho znovu? Ano, koupila. Velmi dobry cleanser, pouzivam ho kazdicky den.
Would I buy it again? Yes, I would. It's very good cleanser, I've been using it every single day.
Jaky je Vas momentalne oblibeny cleanser na oblicej?
What is your currently favourite face cleanser?
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