Nice day ladies,
vikend je opet tu a konecne...tento rok...citim leto ve vzduchu:)
the weekend is here again and finally...this year...I'm smelling the summer in the air:)
the weekend is here again and finally...this year...I'm smelling the summer in the air:)
Je to tezko k uvereni, ale i kdyz je mi tolik kolik mi je...obcas se proste nejaky ten pupinek objevi a proto je dobre byt vzdy pripraven k akci a mit v zaloze nejakeho jejich nicitele. Ja jsem pred nejakou dobou mela doma TEA TREE BLEMISH GEL z obchodu THE BODY SHOP, se kterym jsem nebyla moc spokojena. Takze jsem si pro zmenu poridila ANTI-BLEMISH SOLUTIONS SPOT TREATMENT GEL od CLINIQUE, kdy me pri pohledu na nej napada legendarni slavna veta: 'ja jsem malej, ale sikovnej'...Kazdopadne musim Vam hned ze zacatku prozradit, ze TOHLE je mnohem tezsi kalibr...
It's hard to believe, but even that much how I'm old...from time to time some pimple just comes out and that's why it's always good being prepare for the action and to have some their wrecker in reserve. Not long time ago I had TEA TREE BLEMISH GEL from store of THE BODY SHOP, which I wasn't happy a lot with. So for the change I bought ANTI-BLEMISH SOLUTIONS SPOT TREATMENT GEL by CLINIQUE, the legendary famous sentence has been coming in my mind when I'm looking at it: 'I'm tiny, but nifty'...Anyway I have to reveal to you straight from the beginning, that THAT is much more heavier calibre...
Pojdme si ho predstavit...
Let's introduce it...
Baleni je roztomile malicke! Mini papirova krabicka v typicky poznavaci CLINIQUE zelene barve obsahuje ocekavany letacek uvnitr a modro-zelenou pruhlednou plastovou tubicku, ktera ma chytre zuzene hrdlo, kterym dostanete ven to nejmensi mnozstvi produktu a presne ho aplikujete na pozadovane misto.
The packaging is adorably tiny tiny! Mini paper box in typically recognition CLINIQUE green colour has been containing expected leaflet inside and blue-greenish transparent plastic small tube, which has smartly narrowed neck, which one you get the tiniest amount of the product out and apply it exactly on requested place.
Gel je bezbarvy a citite z neho hodne alkohol. Ma presne akorat konzistenci, se kterou se dobre pracuje a nesteka. Okamzite prilne, velmi rychle zaschne a vytvori film, ktery ve finale vypada jako kousek plastoveho sacku, na ktery lze nanest korektor, nebo make-up. Navic take umi zastavit krvaceni, coz JA - chronicky a nepoucitelny mackac - velmi ocenuji:) Upozornuji, ze na kuzi docela pali.
Gel has been colourless and you can smell pretty much alcohol from it. It has exactly the right consistency, which working with it is good and doesn't run down. Clings immediately, dries out very quickly and creates the film, which is looking in the end as a piece of plastic bag, where it's possible to apply concealer, or make-up. In addition it's been able to stop bleeding, what I - chronic and incorrigible squeezer - very appreciate:) Warning, that it quite burns on the skin.
Nejdulezitejsi ale je, ze funguje. Zkracuje dobu hojeni priblizne o 1 den a to za to stoji! Skvele, ne? A vzhledem k minimalnimu mnozstvi potrebneho pouze lokalne, Vam tohle baleni vydrzi roky:)
But the most important is, that it works. It has been getting shorter the time of healing about approximately 1 day and that's worth it! Great, does it? And considering minimum amount being necessary only locally, it's gonna last You for ages:)
TYP PLETI (SKIN TYPE): vsechny typy pleti, all skin types
CENA (PRICE): 14,50 eur, 362,50 Kc
Koupila bych znovu? Ano, opravdu pomaha.
Would I buy it again? Yes, I would, it really helps.
Opatrujte se!
Take care!
It's hard to believe, but even that much how I'm old...from time to time some pimple just comes out and that's why it's always good being prepare for the action and to have some their wrecker in reserve. Not long time ago I had TEA TREE BLEMISH GEL from store of THE BODY SHOP, which I wasn't happy a lot with. So for the change I bought ANTI-BLEMISH SOLUTIONS SPOT TREATMENT GEL by CLINIQUE, the legendary famous sentence has been coming in my mind when I'm looking at it: 'I'm tiny, but nifty'...Anyway I have to reveal to you straight from the beginning, that THAT is much more heavier calibre...
Pojdme si ho predstavit...
Let's introduce it...
Baleni je roztomile malicke! Mini papirova krabicka v typicky poznavaci CLINIQUE zelene barve obsahuje ocekavany letacek uvnitr a modro-zelenou pruhlednou plastovou tubicku, ktera ma chytre zuzene hrdlo, kterym dostanete ven to nejmensi mnozstvi produktu a presne ho aplikujete na pozadovane misto.
The packaging is adorably tiny tiny! Mini paper box in typically recognition CLINIQUE green colour has been containing expected leaflet inside and blue-greenish transparent plastic small tube, which has smartly narrowed neck, which one you get the tiniest amount of the product out and apply it exactly on requested place.
Gel has been colourless and you can smell pretty much alcohol from it. It has exactly the right consistency, which working with it is good and doesn't run down. Clings immediately, dries out very quickly and creates the film, which is looking in the end as a piece of plastic bag, where it's possible to apply concealer, or make-up. In addition it's been able to stop bleeding, what I - chronic and incorrigible squeezer - very appreciate:) Warning, that it quite burns on the skin.
Nejdulezitejsi ale je, ze funguje. Zkracuje dobu hojeni priblizne o 1 den a to za to stoji! Skvele, ne? A vzhledem k minimalnimu mnozstvi potrebneho pouze lokalne, Vam tohle baleni vydrzi roky:)
But the most important is, that it works. It has been getting shorter the time of healing about approximately 1 day and that's worth it! Great, does it? And considering minimum amount being necessary only locally, it's gonna last You for ages:)
TYP PLETI (SKIN TYPE): vsechny typy pleti, all skin types
CENA (PRICE): 14,50 eur, 362,50 Kc
Koupila bych znovu? Ano, opravdu pomaha.
Would I buy it again? Yes, I would, it really helps.
Opatrujte se!
Take care!
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