Hezky sobotni vecer mile damy,
Beautiful Saturday's evening lovely ladies,
bylo nebylo pri navsteve jedne lekarny jsem dostala malicky vzorek (v te dobe) novinky AQUAPORIN ACTIVE od EUCERIN, ktery byl vyvinut pro citlivou/normalni-smisenou plet. A protoze hydratace je to, co pokozka potrebuje nejvice, tento krem ji umi optimalne a dlouhodobe distribuovat i do hlubsich epidermalnich vrstev.
once upon a time during the visiting one pharmacy I've received tiny tiny sample (at that time) of new cream AQUAPORIN ACTIVE by EUCERIN, which was created for sensitive/normal-combination skin. And because moisture is what skin needs the most, this cream can distribute it even into deeper epidermal skin layers optimally and long-lastingly.
Beautiful Saturday's evening lovely ladies,
bylo nebylo pri navsteve jedne lekarny jsem dostala malicky vzorek (v te dobe) novinky AQUAPORIN ACTIVE od EUCERIN, ktery byl vyvinut pro citlivou/normalni-smisenou plet. A protoze hydratace je to, co pokozka potrebuje nejvice, tento krem ji umi optimalne a dlouhodobe distribuovat i do hlubsich epidermalnich vrstev.
once upon a time during the visiting one pharmacy I've received tiny tiny sample (at that time) of new cream AQUAPORIN ACTIVE by EUCERIN, which was created for sensitive/normal-combination skin. And because moisture is what skin needs the most, this cream can distribute it even into deeper epidermal skin layers optimally and long-lastingly.
Libi se mi papirova krabicka i tvar plastove tubicky, ktera je ultra lehka a tenka a vleze se do kazde (ne)cestovni kosmeticke tasticky. Vicko je odklapeci, coz zarucuje rychlou manipulaci. Co je mnohem horsi - je design. Ten se proste nepovedl - to si nebudeme nic nalhavat. Vadi mi velikost a druh pisma a zvolene barvy...
I like the paper box and even the shape of the plastic little tube, which is ultra lighweight and thin and it fits inside of every (non)travelling cosmetic bag. The cover lid has been hinged up, which is gonna guarantee its quick manipulation. What is much more worse - it is design. That one just has not been successed - we're not gonna lie to each other. I've been annoying with letters size and font and chosen colours...
Krem ma obvyklou bilou barvu, velice prijemnou fresh/cistou vuni a je presne takove konzistence, ktera neni moc vodova ani ne prilis hutna. Uzasne lehce se rozetira a super rychle se vsakuje. Neni absolutne vubec mastny, ale pritom dostatecne hydratuje moji smisenou plet. Neucpava pory, je vyborny pod make-up a obsahuje SPF 15+UVA, coz tady u more dostacujici rozhodne neni, na druhou stranu, koupila jsem si denni krem a ne krem proti slunci, ze;)
The cream's been having usual white colour, very pleasant fresh/clean scent and it's exactly that consistency, which is not so much watery and even not too much thick. It's been spreaded amazingly easy and soaked up super fast. It's not absolutely greasy at all, but currently it's been moisturising my combination skin enough. Doesn't clog the pores, it's great under the make-up and contains SPF 15+UVA also, what it's not enough near the sea definitely, contrarily, I've bought daily cream and not the sunblock, right;)
Celkove jsem s ucinky kremu moc spokojena a urcite bych se nebala ho opet hodit do nakupniho kosiku v dalsich chladnych mesicich. S nastupujicim horkym letem rozhodne sahnu po necem jeste mnohem lehcim, mozna gelovejsim a matujicim. To by bylo nejlepsi.
Overall I am very happy with the effects of cream and for sure I'd not be affraid to throw it again into the shopping basket in next chilled months. Through coming hot summer I'm gonna pick up definitely something much more lightweight, maybe gellish and mattifying. It'd be the best.
TYP PLETI (SKIN TYPE): normalni - smisena, normal - combination
CENA (PRICE): 10 eur, 250 Kc
Koupila bych znovu? Ano, krem mi sedl po vsech strankach.
Would I buy it again? Yes I would, the cream has been fited me in all aspects.
Znate ho?
Do you know this one?
Mejte se krasne!
Have a wonderful time!